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Amendment 62: B.2 Heliophysics Supporting Research Delay of Step-2 Due Date

B.2 Heliophysics Supporting Research (H-SR) solicits science investigations that must include an element of a) theory, numerical simulation, or modeling, and an element of b) data analysis and interpretation of current or historical NASA-spacecraft observations, and c) should address the Heliophysics overarching goal or a specific objective as described in B.1. Theory/modeling/simulation proposals must be substantiated with and guided by data. It is expected that proposing teams will be composed of investigators that cover the necessary expertise that the combination of techniques requires. Innovative ideas and techniques are welcome. B.2 H-SR uses a 2-step proposal submission process. Only those who have already submitted a Step-1 proposal can submit a Step-2 proposal.

ROSES-2021 Amendment 62 delays the Step-2 Due Date for B.2 H-SR. Step-2 proposals are now due January 26, 2022.

On or about January 4, 2022, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2021" (NNH21ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on SARA's ROSES blog at:

Questions concerning B.2 H-SR may be directed to Jesse Woodroffe, at



Last Updated
Sep 11, 2023