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Amendment 23: Early Career Investigator Program in Earth Science Final Text and Due Dates

Program element A.39, The Early Career Investigator Program in Earth Science (ECIP-ES) is designed to support outstanding scientific research and career development of scientists and engineers at the early stage of their professional careers. The program, formerly known as the New (Early Career) Investigator Program in Earth Science, welcomes innovative research initiatives and seeks to cultivate diverse scientific leadership in Earth System Science.

ROSES-2023 Amendment 23 releases final text and due dates for A.39 ECIP-ES. Notices of intent are requested by July 21, 2023, and proposals are due August 11, 2023. NASA will host two virtual informational session via Webex on A.39 ECIP-EC at 1 PM eastern time on June 14, 2023, and June 22, 2023. Connect via

On or about May 5, 2023, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2023" (NNH23ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning A.39 ECIP-ES may be directed to Yaítza Luna-Cruz at and Cynthia Hall at