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Color Your Universe Week 1

coloring page featuring the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft, NASA HQ, people looking through a telescope, a Deep Space Network antenna, and the JPL campus
November 9, 2020
  • english

All of NASA’s science missions are driven by powerful questions to help us better understand our planet, our solar system, and beyond. What vibrant colors will you bring to these scenes of exploration?

Post your colored universe on social media with #ColorWithNASA and tag @NASASolarSystem for your chance to have your artwork featured on the Solar System Exploration social media accounts and this page!

Here are a few NASA highlights featured in this coloring page:

  • Space can sometimes feel far away from us, so we use science to bring the universe a little bit closer. For example, using telescopes, we can observe space from Earth. And to bring scientific information and pictures back to Earth from space, spacecraft use the Deep Space Network, or DSN. The DSN is a collection of big radio antennas in different parts of the world.
  • NASA has 10 main locations, plus its Headquarters in Washington D.C. that work together to help space seem closer to home.
  • A U.S.-European collaboration launching in November 2020, the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft is set to track sea level and will provide atmospheric data to support weather forecasting and climate models. Join the virtual NASA Social for launch here

What else can you uncover in the picture? Here are a few hints to help you out!

  1. How we talk with distant spacecraft
  2. Where America's first robotic space "Explorer" came from
  3. A way to look at the stars up close from Earth
  4. This "sentinel" will monitor the height of our oceans