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Local JPL Cassini Flight Team Members Gather to Say Goodbye to Donna L. Cummings

Many of the local JPL Cassini Flight Team members are gathered in the main Cassini conference room in the Space Flight Operations Facility to say good-bye to Donna L. Cummings
October 17, 2012
  • english

Many of the local JPL Cassini Flight Team members are gathered in the main Cassini conference room in the Space Flight Operations Facility to say good-bye to Donna L. Cummings, who has been the Cassini Spacecraft Operations (SCO) office secretary since prior to launch. Donna is standing front center in the dark jacket, flanked by some present and former members of SCO, the Cassini Science and Uplink office, Navigation, Downlink Ground Systems, Software Systems Engineering, Integrated Uplink Systems, Administrative Services, Resource Management and Program Management.

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Photo by Lisa Tatge (SCO) October 16, 2012.