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Remembering Cassini, Texas Style

Group of smiling people around statue of spacecraft and Saturn.
April 25, 2019
Credit NASA/Julie Webster
Historical Date March 1, 2019
  • english

Students from McMurry University, in Abilene, Texas, were inspired by Cassini’s story to design and build a permanent memorial sculpture. The sculpture, which depicts the spacecraft making one of its Grand Finale plunges, is seen in this photo taken at its unveiling in March 2019. Cassini’s spacecraft operations chief, Julie Webster, was present for the unveiling (and is seen at far right in this photo).

A dedication plaque displayed with the sculpture reads:

In recognition of McMurry University students for their vision to memorialize the Cassini project: a 20-year mission that gifted humankind with the beauty and mystery of the planet Saturn.

Others in the photo, from left to right, are four of the memorial’s creators: David Winski, Alexandria Mendoza, Chandi Chandler, Cynthia Jenkins. (Team member Aaron Herring is not pictured here.)