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Enhancing K-12 STEM curricula with hands-on NASA & GLOBE learning activities.

Photo of Globe Mission Earth team

Team Mission

The GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME) is embedding NASA assets into the GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) Program and integrating it into the curricula of schools along the K-12 continuum. GME is leveraging existing partnerships and networks and supported through state departments of education, as a systemic, effective, and sustainable approach to meeting NASA’s science education objectives.

Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was.

Theodore Von Karmen

Theodore Von Karmen

Aerospace Engineer

GLOBE Mission EARTH engages in the following activities in regards to STEM Education:

  1. Improve STEM Instruction by creating developmentally appropriate vertically-integrated K-12 materials and activities which link NASA and GLOBE learning materials, supported by high quality professional development and ongoing support, engaging teachers from all grades (elementary, middle and high school) to work together in both program implementation and continuous improvement.
  2. Increase and Sustain Youth and Public Engagement in STEM through project activities and engagement of citizen scientists through GLOBE’s new citizen science initiative.
  3. Enhance STEM Experience for Undergraduate Students, through service learning for pre-service teachers and engineering challenges.
  4. Better Serve Groups Historically Underrepresented in STEM through serving high-need school districts.

What does your team hope to achieve?

GLOBE Mission EARTH hopes to broaden our knowledge on STEM education projects, incorporate STEM "Best Practices" into GLOBE Mission EARTH, share our results with the STEM community, seek cross collaboration with other STEM projects and engage the general public in citizen science.

Learn More

Check out GLOBE Mission EARTH: Engaging Students in Authentic Science
Check out Digital media for multi-dimensional science instruction

Project Web Site