Science Activation Highlights

These highlights illustrate the range of activities conducted by the Science Activation collaborative network that reach learners of all ages using NASA Science-funded experts, content, or authentic experiences.

Four young latinx students wearing solar viewing glasses and and looking up at the sun, grasping each other in a circle as if they're jumping up and down with excitement.

NASA@ My Library and Partners Engage Millions in Eclipse Training and Preparation

2 min read

The Space Science Institute, with funding from the NASA Science Mission Directorate and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, provided unprecedented training, support, and supplies to 15,000 libraries in the U.S. and territories in support of public engagement during the 2023…

Article1 day ago
A man practices calculating the height of a tree using a clinometer to view the top of a 13-foot artificial tree while a NASA eClips volunteer takes his photo at the NASA eClips exhibit booth during CNU’s Community STEM Day.

NASA eClips Engages Families at 2024 STEM Community Day

2 min read

On Saturday, June 1, 2024, thousands of community members attended the Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM) Community Day hosted by Christopher Newport University in partnership with Newport News Public Schools in Virginia. The event showcased many different facets of…

Article2 days ago
Photo of ITEEA’s Chair of Awards Committee, Dr. Byron McKay, presenting the William E. Dugger Exemplary Collaboration Awards plaque to Dr. Sharon Bowers and Joan Harper-Neely on stage at the 2024 ITEEA Annual Conference.

NASA eClips Educators Presented Exemplary Collaboration Award

1 min read

On March 7, 2024, two NASA eClips educators from the National Institute of Aerospace’s Center for Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM) Education (NIA-CISE) and Global Learning & Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) educators, Dr. Sharon Bowers and Joan…

Article3 days ago
Collage of awardees starting upper left and ending lower right: April Russell, Valeria Jaramillo, Margo Thornton, David James, Allison Cusick, David Coria, Joshua Bardwell, Dr. Celia Blanco.

NASA SCoPE Funds Early Career Scientists for NASA Educational Outreach

4 min read

NASA SCoPE (NASA SMD Community of Practice for Engagement) offers small Seed Grant funding and Event Facilitation Grants to early career scientists and engineers to work with NASA Science Activation teams and participate in educational outreach opportunities. These proposals communicate…

Article4 days ago
An image of a computer monitor displaying a virtual networking opportunity panel with six participants. The screen is divided into six sections, each showing a headshot of a different individual. The names of the participants are labeled under their images: Ariel Anbar, Matthew Cass, Lin Chambers, Emma Marcucci, Juan Torres-Pérez, and Patricia Udomprasert.

NASA SCoPE Connects Early Career Scientists and STEM Outreach Professionals

3 min read

On May 21st, 2024, NASA SCoPE (NASA SMD Community of Practice for Engagement) held its first Virtual Networking event for 2024 in direct response to community feedback from annual surveys requesting more networking opportunities. This event series aims to connect…

Article5 days ago
Four students and their teacher smiling, holding their research poster titled "Does Car Idling in rural New Jersey affect air quality?" The students have medals.

Teachers Bring Student Teams to GLOBE Research Symposia

5 min read

A year-long professional development experience for teachers resulted in participation of 10 student teams at Global Learning & Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) student research symposia. Teachers from the ENGAGE (Earth, NASA, GLOBE, and Guided Explorations) GLOBE Mission Earth…

Article1 week ago
A group of four people, sitting around the exhibit hall table, engaging in a shrinky dink craft. The table is covered with a blue cloth and various materials including pens, badges, and small tools. Behind them are exhibit booths labeled "Meteor Mayhem" and "Infiniscope," with additional conference attendees visible in the background.

NASA SCoPE Engages and Empowers at AbSciCon 2024 with Gaming Activities and Childcare Support

2 min read

At the AbSciCon conference held from May 6-10, 2024 in Providence, RI, NASA SCoPE (SMD Community of Practice for Engagement) left a lasting impression with its engaging activities centered around gaming. The NASA SCoPE exhibit hall booth was a vibrant…

Article2 months ago
Screen capture of the AstroPix website homepage, showing the Browse tab with astronomy images grouped by type and links to image Providers and Image search within the website.

NASA Views of the Cosmos with the New and Improved AstroPix

2 min read

NASA’s Universe of Learning has relaunched a wonderful resource for exploring the Universe: AstroPix! AstroPix website improvements and a new user-friendly search function provide enhanced access to a universe of imagery for use in the learning environment or simply for…

Article2 months ago
An enlarged image of a mosquito with the text "Meet the World's Deadliest Creature".

Scholastic SuperSTEM Magazine Features GLOBE Mosquito Habitat Mapper

2 min read

The NASA Earth Science Education Collaborative team collaborated with Scholastic on an article and activity for learners in grades 3-6: “Meet the World’s Deadliest Creature”, which appeared in the May/June 2024 issue of SuperSTEM. The magazine includes nonfiction science articles…

Article2 months ago
Collage of four lunar rocks series video thumbnails.

NASA eClips™ Produces New Educational Videos About Lunar Rocks

2 min read

The NASA eClips project, led by the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA), aims to increase Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM) literacy and inspire the next generation of engineers and scientists by providing effective web-based, standards-aligned, in-school and out-of-school learning…

Article2 months ago