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AEROKATS/ROVER Education Network

Providing learners hands-on experience with science instruments & NASA technology.

Photo of three boys standing in a field with a kite.

Team Mission

The AEROKATS and ROVER Education Network (AREN) introduces NASA technologies and practices in authentic, experiential learning environments. Low-cost instrumented systems for in-situ and remotely sensed Earth observations include kite-based “AEROKATS”, and remotely controlled aquatic and land-based “ROVERS”.

AREN technologies and lesson development are NGSS aligned and provide necessary science literacy skills. Data capture and visualization tools, designed to integrate with the GLOBE Program, enable the expansion of GLOBE study sites with transects and vertical profiles. Engineering Design concepts are embedded in student development of platform and instrument systems. Training, safety practices, and STEM challenges are a focus of the AREN Team, concurrently advancing student research projects investigating Earth science related phenomena.

The science and engineering that happens at NASA and other institutions can seem a world away. Projects like AREN help students and teachers not only learn about the people and projects of NASA Earth Science, but also enjoy the excitement of contributing to real NASA research via citizen science. We are so excited to be part of this project!

What does your team hope to achieve?

The Goal of AEROKATS and ROVER Education Network (AREN) is to train the next generation of scientists, engineers, and other professionals to observe and understand our planet Earth through experiential learning using NASA technology and data in real-world settings.

Towards this goal, the five-year AREN objective is to develop approaches, learning plans, and specific tools that can be affordably implemented nationwide (globally). The project will enable the delivery of NASA remote sensing and in-situ observation concepts, technology, and data into formal and informal educational settings for all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds, thereby integrating science and engineering into the curriculum. The AREN objectives are consistent with those of the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD).


Cornett, C. (2019), NASA Community Based Learning and the Connection with Aerokats and Rovers Education Network (AREN) Project: Case Study of Aviation Science

Project Web Site