The American Museum of Natural History Uses OpenSpace Presentation to Welcome Astronomers and the Public Back to the Hayden Planetarium
On April 27th, 2022, the American Museum of Natural History held its first public program in the Hayden Planetarium since the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic. "Astronomy Live: Our Dynamic Universe" was presented as part of the American Astronomical Society’s 53rd annual meeting of the Division on Dynamical Astronomy. Deion Desir, a graduate of the Museum’s Master of Arts in Teaching Earth Science Residency program, piloted the OpenSpace software while Dr. Jackie Faherty, Museum Senior Scientist and NASA-funded researcher, described the movement of stars and galaxies over eons of time. One hundred astronomers and 306 members of the public attended the program, which was hosted by Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson. The program provided a compelling demonstration of how the open source nature of OpenSpace allows scientists to share the latest research in a visual format that is engaging to both the scientific community and the general public.
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