Science Activation’s NASA Earth Science Education Collaborative (NESEC) Project Team Supports GLOBE Program and NASA Exhibit Outreach at the 2021 Fall AGU Conference
NASA Earth Science Education Collaborative (NESEC) project team members Brian Campbell (Goddard Space Flight Center) and Peter Falcon (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) recently attended the 2021 Fall American Geophysical Union Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Brian led the NASA exhibit efforts for the NASA Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program and the NASA ICESat-2 Mission, bringing together NASA, Oregon State University (OSU), and University of Toledo (U of Toledo) colleagues to help get the word out about these two important topics. Brian and Peter gave two live presentations, entitled “NASA Missions, Environmental Observations, and GLOBE” at the NASA Exhibit Learning Area. Throughout the week, Peter Falcon, Brian Campbell, Heather Fischer (OSU), and Kevin Czajkowski (GLOBE Mission Earth, U of Toledo) staffed the GLOBE section of the Earth Science table as part of the NASA Exhibit, connectingand sharing with thousands of AGU participants. Science Activation Award No: NNX16AE28A (NESEC).