NASA eClips™ Highlights NASA Spotlite Design Challenge at 2022 ITEEA Conference
Over 100 teachers visited the NASA eClips exhibit table at the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) Conference’s Showcase in Orlando, FL on March 10, 2022. Joan Harper-Neely, STEM Education Specialist at the National Institute of Aerospace and member of the NASA eClips team, challenged attendees to organize the steps for the engineering design process to produce a NASA Spotlite video. She showed ITEEA educators ways to guide their learners to become video content creators while:
addressing science misconceptions,
learning how to make a claim,
gathering evidence, and
reasoning if, how, and why that evidence supports their initial claim.
Learn more about the NASA eClips Spotlite Design Challenge and stay tuned to their website for future challenge dates: (NASA Science Activation Award No. NNX16AB91A)