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Bridging Science & Math: Analyzing NASA Data with Desmos

Bridging Science & Math: Analyzing NASA Data with Desmos

On August 4, 2021, twenty Ohio middle and high school math teachers enhanced their skills in analyzing NASA data. NASA Langley’s Elizabeth Joyner, from My NASA Data, co-presented with Steve Phelps, Technology Instructional Specialist in Hamilton County, in demonstrating how to access NASA data that support Ohio teaching standards using the Earth System Data Explorer. The presenters also modeled how these data can be accessed and used with math teaching software, Desmos, to help embed computational activities in the science curriculum. These data and mathematical models support lesson development and student inquiry projects related to environmental events occurring in Ohio, i.e., health and air quality issues in Cincinnati, Columbus and the Toledo areas, flooding of the Ohio River, and harmful algal blooms affecting water quality in Lake Erie.

“For this year’s conference, we were particularly looking for ways to provide support to our middle and high school educators, who had requested more specialized resources to match their unique content area domains. Your session on utilizing My NASA Data along with the DESMOS was our most engaging session. You not only shared the resources, but provided an opportunity to actually work with the software and data to make teacher efficacy higher and more likely for them to actually utilize in the classroom. You provided several invaluable resources for teachers to utilize with their students and also featured the opportunity for collaboration between science and math educators. This is a strategy that we have begun to promote more intentionally within Ohio. Thanks again for all the ways you support Ohio teachers. You are just one of the reasons Ohio LOVES NASA!” -Robin Deems, Ohio Department of Education

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Last Updated
Aug 04, 2021