On or about Tuesday May 31, Amendment 15 will release program element A.23 Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics. NOIs are requested by July 15, 2016, and proposals are due by September 15, 2016.
This solicitation is aimed at enabling improved predictive capability for certain weather and extreme weather events in four specific areas. The first one relates to the use of past NASA airborne data from a long series of field experiments, and in conjunction with satellite data and numerical models, to better understand tropical cyclone genesis and intensity changes. The second one is focused on utilizing the soon to be launched CYclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) satellite mission for the study of the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) and tropical cyclones. The third one offers research opportunities related to the upcoming availability of a Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) on the International Space Station (ISS), and, the last one describes an opportunity related to the conduct of a field experiment in 2017.
NOIs are requested by July 15, 2016, and proposals are due by September 15, 2016.
Questions concerning this program element may be directed to Ramesh Kakar at ramesh.k.kakar@nasa.gov