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ROSES-17 Amendment 11: Heliophysics Living With a Star (H-LWS) Science, program element of B.6 due dates temporarily deferred.
The Living With a Star (LWS) Program emphasizes the science necessary to understand those aspects of the Sun and Earth’s space environment that affect life and society. The ultimate goal of the LWS program is to provide a scientific understanding of the system, almost to the point of predictability, of the space weather conditions at Earth and the interplanetary medium, as well as the Sun-climate connection.
The LWS program objectives are as follows:
- Understand solar variability and its effects on the space and Earth environments with an ultimate goal of a reliable predictive capability of solar variability and response.
- Obtain scientific knowledge relevant to mitigation or accommodation of undesirable effects of solar variability on humans and human technology on the ground and in space.
- Understand how solar variability affects hardware performance and operations in space.
The LWS Program seeks to make progress in understanding the complex Heliophysics system, focusing on the fundamental science of the most critical interconnections. Further information on the LWS Program can be found at the updated LWS website (https://lwstrt.gsfc.nasa.gov/).
This amendment temporarily changes the due dates for this program element to TBD to allow 30 days from the LWS-2016 notifications to the LWS-2017 Step-1 due date. It is anticipated that NASA will complete LWS-2016 notifications in June.
On or about May 31, 2017, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2017" (NNH17ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at http://nspires.nasaprs.com/
The NASA points of contact for this program element are Jeff Morrill, who may be reached at jeff.s.morrill@nasa.gov and Elsayed Talaat, who may be reached at elsayed.r.talaat@nasa.gov.