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Amendment 15: SSW now requesting NOIs, not requiring Step-1 proposals

Amendment 15 changes program element C.2 Solar System Workings so that it no longer uses a two-step proposal submission process common in Appendix C.

The Solar System Workings (SSW) program element supports research into atmospheric, climatological, dynamical, geologic, geophysical, and geochemical processes occurring on planetary bodies, satellites, and other minor bodies (including rings) in the Solar System. This call seeks to address the physical and chemical processes that affect the surfaces, interiors, atmospheres, exospheres, and magnetospheres of planetary bodies. A wide range of investigations will be covered, including theoretical studies, analytical and numerical modeling, sample-based studies of extraterrestrial materials, field work, laboratory studies, and data synthesis relevant to the physical and chemical processes affecting planetary systems.

This program element no longer uses the two-step proposal submission process common in Appendix C. Instead, a Notice of Intent (NOI) is requested by November 16, 2017. Proposals are now due February 1, 2018. The list of Data Analysis Programs (DAPs) following the fourth paragraph in Section 2.1, Exclusions, was deleted to remove the potential implication that this list was exhaustive or completely described what type of proposals each DAP solicited.

Questions concerning this program element may be directed to Jennifer Heldmann, or any other member of the SSW caucus, via email to



Last Updated
May 22, 2023