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ROSES-18 Amendment 16 releases text for program element A.46 Deep Space Climate Observatory Science Team.
The Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) is a multiagency (NOAA, U.S. Air Force, and NASA) mission launched on 11 February 2015. While the primary science objective of the DSCOVR mission is to provide solar wind thermal plasma and magnetic field measurements to enable space weather forecasting by NOAA, the secondary goal is to provide measurements of the Earth system. NASA has integrated two Earth-observing instruments—the Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Advanced Radiometer (NISTAR)—into the DSCOVR satellite.
This program element seeks proposals that exploit EPIC Level-1 and/or Level-2 products to address one or more of the science questions articulated in NASA's 2014 Science Plan and potentially to integrate the data from multiple spaceborne, surface, and airborne observation platforms to develop and utilize self-consistent global products. NASA is also seeking proposals that use NISTAR Level-1 products to determine the Earth reflected and radiated irradiance with an accuracy of 1.5% or better, yielding the production of Level 2 shortwave and longwave flux products. Proposals to improve the NISTAR calibrations based on in-flight data will also be considered.
Notices of Intent are requested by July 9, 2018 and the due date for proposals is September 4, 2018.
Questions concerning this program element should be directed to Richard Eckman at Richard.S.Eckman@nasa.gov.