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Amendment 16 B.13 Outer Heliosphere GI now includes IMAP

Amendment 16 adds adds Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) to the list of missions to which proposers may become Guest Investigators if selected via program element B.13 Outer Heliosphere Guest Investigators (OH-GI).

The Outer Heliosphere Guest Investigators (OH-GI) program, solicits proposals that focus on analysis of data from Voyager, the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), and other space assets that generate data enabling the study of the outer heliosphere. This program is intended to maximize the scientific return from these mature missions by providing support for research beyond presently funded investigations.

It was previously noted that PIs and Co-Is of proposals funded via this program element would become Guest Investigators of Voyager and/or IBEX for the duration of the award and will be invited to attend and present progress at Voyager and IBEX team meetings. This amendment adds Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP), to that list. The due dates remain unchanged: Step-1 proposals are due October 17, 2019 and 10-page Step-2 proposals are due by December 3, 2019.

Eligible proposers who have already submitted to Heliophysics Guest Investigators Open (H-GIO) a Step-1 proposal with the same (or essentially the same) team and objectives may either submit a full (Step-2) proposal to H-GIO or submit Step-1 and Full (10-page) Step-2 proposals to this call instead.

Questions concerning this program element may be directed to Arik Posner at arik.posner@nasa.gov.