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Amendment 18: Final Text for A.39 Health and Air Quality

Amendment 18 presents final text for program element A.39 Earth Science Applications: Health and Air Quality, which seeks proposals for the use of Earth observations in air quality management and public health, particularly regarding infectious disease and environmental health issues. The area addresses issues of toxic and pathogenic exposure and health-related hazards and their effects for risk characterization and mitigation. The area promotes uses of Earth observing data and models regarding implementation of air quality standards, policy, and regulations for economic and human welfare. The Health and Air Quality Applications area also addresses risks and effects of climate change on public health and air quality to support managers and policy makers in their planning and preparations. The Health and Air Quality applications area website is available at

Notice of Intent are requested by September 1, 2017, and proposals are due November 3, 2017.

Questions concerning this program element may be directed to John Haynes at



Last Updated
May 22, 2023