The K2 Guest Observer – Cycle 5 program element solicits proposals for the acquisition and analysis of new scientific data from the K2 mission.
This amendment changes the Field for Campaign 16 and delays the due dates for the K2 GO5 program element.
Recent engineering assessments on the estimated fuel available for the K2 Mission will impact future observing campaigns, specifically the pointing and emphasis of Campaign 16. The focus of Campaign 16 will now be supernova science and the pointing will be in the direction of M67 and Praesepe star clusters. This new pointing position is described at: Campaign 16 will be forward facing, which facilitates simultaneous Earth/K2 observing. Proposals for Campaign 16 targets will not be restricted by science topic, but it is anticipated that a fraction of the available observing resources will be dedicated to supernova science.
Only Campaign 16 is affected by this announcement. Campaigns 14 and 15 remain unchanged.
Step-1 proposals are now due November 3, 2016, and full Step-2 proposals are due December 15, 2016.
Questions concerning this program element may be directed to Mario R. Perez at