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Amendment 28 D.5 SWIFT GI Final Text and Due Date

The Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory Guest Investigator (GI) Program solicits proposals for basic research relevant to the Swift gamma-ray burst mission. The primary goal of this mission is to determine the origin of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and use these bursts to probe the early Universe. Swift is also a valuable asset for obtaining multiwavelength images, spectra, and light curves on interesting Targets of Opportunity (ToOs) and other non-transient sources.

This amendment releases final text and sets the due date for Phase-1 proposals to this program element. The only content changes are: 1) the expected budget is now $1.4M rather than $1.2M and 2) Phase-1 proposals are due by 7:30 p.m. Eastern time September 26, 2019 (via ARK/RPS). Other than that, the content is unchanged from when ROSES-19 was released.

Technical questions concerning this program element may be directed to Eleonora Troja at

Programmatic information may be obtained from Evan Scannapieco at



Last Updated
May 22, 2023