ROSES-19 Amendment 4: This amendment releases final text for A.49, the Instrument Incubator Program.
The Instrument Incubator Program (IIP) supports the development of innovative technologies for new Earth observing instruments, sensors, and systems in support of Earth science. The technologies and measurement concepts developed under the IIP may extend through to field demonstrations, with a longer-term aim for infusion into future ESD research, applications, and flight programs.
Notices of intent are requested by May 31, 2019, and proposals are due July 12, 2019.
On or about April 12, 2019, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2019" (NNH19ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on the RSS feed at:
Questions concerning this program element may be directed to Parminder Ghuman at