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The Living With a Star (LWS) Program emphasizes the science necessary to understand those aspects of the Sun and Earth’s space environment that affect life and society. The ultimate goal of the LWS program is to provide a scientific understanding of the system, almost to the point of predictability, of the space weather conditions at Earth and the interplanetary medium, as well as the Sun-climate connection. The LWS program objectives are based on these goals and are as follows:
1. Understand solar variability and its effects on the space and Earth environments with an ultimate goal of a reliable predictive capability of solar variability and response.
2. Obtain scientific knowledge relevant to mitigation or accommodation of undesirable effects of solar variability on humans and human technology on the ground and in space.
3. Understand how solar variability affects hardware performance and operations in space.
The LWS Program seeks to make progress in understanding the complex Heliophysics system, focusing on the fundamental science of the most critical interconnections. Further information on the LWS Program can be found at the updated LWS website (http://lwstrt.gsfc.nasa.gov/).
Amendment 41 announces the release of final text and proposal due dates for B.6 Heliophysics Living With a Star (H-LWS) Science. The Step-1 Proposals are now due December 5, 2017 and Step-2 Proposals are due February 6, 2018. New text is in bold and deleted text is struck through.
The text has been revised in a number of important ways including: The text (primarily in Section 7) has been changed to clarify the expected structure and content of program-specific material within the proposal. The requirement to address Potential Contribution to the Focused Science Team is described in Section 7.2.2. Please note that the proposer’s response to this requirement will be provided in a 4000-character text box on the NSPIRES cover page not in the 15-page main body of the proposal. Section 7.2.3 evaluation criteria have been modified. In addition, it is noted (in Section 7.2) that proposers are expected to provide mail-in reviews for one to three proposals to this program element. The Data Use policy for the LWS Element in ROSES 2017 is described in Section 1.1, and small changes have been made in Section 2.1, including estimates of the anticipated number of awards and average award size.
The NASA point of contact for this program element is Jeff Morrill, who may be reached at jeff.s.morrill@nasa.gov.