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Amendment 41: New Opportunity in Akatsuki Participating Scientist Program

The Akatsuki PSP program aims to support and enhance the Akatsuki mission science objectives to understand the atmospheric circulation through global mapping with Akatsuki’s five cameras (spanning from ultraviolet to infrared wavelengths) and measurements of the atmospheric vertical structure with radio occultation techniques. The systematic and continuous observations by Akatsuki should provide a complete dataset of the Venusian atmospheric dynamics that complements the observations by Venus Express and prior missions to Venus.

Mandatory Notices of Intent are required by November 22, 2019 and proposals are due January 31, 2020. Proposals that are not preceded by a Notice of Intent will be returned without review.

Questions concerning this program element may be directed to Adriana Ocampo at and Lucas Paganini at



Last Updated
May 22, 2023