This amendment makes multiple modifications to the text of program element B.7 Space Weather Science Applications Operations 2 Research.
NASA has established the Heliophysics Space Weather Science Applications program, of which this operations-to-research call is a part, to advance and coordinate the Nation's space weather research and operations capabilities. The primary goal of this program element is to support research by the grant recipient to improve numerical models and/or data utilization techniques that could advance specification and/or forecasting capabilities and that could also lead to improved scientific understanding of space weather. Effective utilization of available data is encouraged.
This Amendment makes of the following changes to the text of program element B.7 Space Weather Science Applications Operations 2 Research: The specific encouragement of data assimilation and/or machine-learning techniques has been removed from Section 1 so as not to dictate in advance any particular technique for data analysis. The proposal content for Step-1 (Section 3.1) and for Step-2 (Section 3.2) have been changed to be consistent with each other and with the opportunity description in Section 2. Likewise, the evaluation criteria in Section 3.5, second bullet, has been changed to be consistent with the required proposal content in Sections 3.1 and 3.2. The due dates for proposals have not changed. Step-1 proposals are due by December 16, 2019, and the due date for 10-page Step-2 proposals is February 13, 2020.
Questions concerning this program element may be directed to James Spann at