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Amendment 44 releases final text for the program element B.6 Heliophysics Living With a Star Science.
The stated goal of LWS, that of achieving an understanding of those aspects of the Sun-Solar System that have direct impact on life and society, poses two great challenges for the LWS program. First, the program seeks to address large-scale problems that cross discipline and technique boundaries (e.g., data analysis, theory, modeling, etc.); and second, the program will identify how this new understanding has a direct impact on life and society.
The Targeted Investigations component this year consists of four Focused Science Topics:
- Mid-latitude and Equatorial Dynamics of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Origins, Acceleration and Evolution of the Solar Wind
- Understanding the Response of Magnetospheric Plasma Populations to Solar Wind Structures and
- Understanding Global-scale Solar Processes and their Implications for the Solar Interior
This amendment releases final text for program element. Step-1 proposals are due February 14, 2019 and the Step-2 proposals are due March 29, 2019.
Comments and/or questions regarding this program element may be directed to Jeff Morrill at jeff.s.morrill@nasa.gov, Janet Kozyra at janet.kozyra@nasa.gov, and Simon Plunkett at simon.p.plunkett@nasa.gov.