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This is a DRAFT version of this program element posted for community comment. The scientific community is invited to make comments on this draft solicitation, not only for clarity of the forthcoming solicitation release, but also for inclusion of any ideas, strategies or recommendations that will lead to submission of proposed instruments capable of realizing transformational and compelling science. Similarly, the community is invited to comment on any constraints that may be overly restrictive and preventing the submission of proposals with creative, high-risk / high-return ideas.
NASA solicits questions and feedback about the scope of the solicitation and requests for clarification. All questions or comments should be emailed to kartik.sheth@nasa.gov by 11:59pm, Eastern time, January 14, 2018. The anticipated date for the release of the solicitation is January 19, 2018 with proposals due 90 days after the release.
Questions and comments on the draft text of this program element may be directed to kartik.sheth@nasa.gov through January 14, 2018.