2 min read
ROSES-19 Amendment 5 releases text for a new program element, A.53 Utilization of L- and S- Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery over North America – Joint NASA and ISRO Airborne Campaign.
NASA and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) have a mutual interest in collecting and analyzing L+S band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for improved detection, characterization, and understanding of Earth processes.
As part of a broader, U.S.-Department-of-State-negotiated cooperative effort in Earth science research, ROSES-19 Program Element Solicitation: NNH19ZDA001N-ISROASAR solicits proposals for one-time funding for use during an estimated eighteen-month period for the analysis of multi-frequency radar-surface interactions data, modeling, and algorithm development of ASAR–L+S airborne data from this campaign that are relevant to programs in NASA’s Earth Science Research and Analysis (R&A) Focus Areas (https://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/focus-areas/) and Applied Sciences Program (https://appliedsciences.nasa.gov).
By 11:59 p.m. eastern Mandatory Notices of Intent are due on May 20, 2019, and 8-page proposals are due June 19, 2019. It is anticipated that ~$1.0M will be available to support ~9-11 awards.
On or about April 18, 2019, the ISROASAR program element for the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2019" (NNH19ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at http://solicitation.nasaprs.com/ROSES2019. This email notice is not a complete summary of the solicitation, so, it is necessary to visit the NSPIRES page for NNH19ZDA001N-ISROASAR. NSPIRES is the official NASA source of information for key dates, public selection announcements, any future amendments/clarifications, etc.
Email questions/comments regarding ROSES program element A.53 to Gerald.Bawden@nasa.gov and please add ISRO-ASAR to the subject line.