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Amendment 54: B.9 H-GCR-SC moved to 2018

ROSES-17 Amendment 54: This amendment moves program element B.9, Heliophysics Grand Challenges Research - Science Centers to ROSES-2018.

The 2013 Solar and Space Physics Decadal Survey recommended the creation of "science centers to tackle the key science problems of solar and space physics that require multidisciplinary teams of theorists, observers, modelers, and computer scientists." In order to maximize the potential for these science centers to deliver on innovative and breakthrough science, a recent report by the National Academy of Sciences, Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science, recommended that they be designed with aspects that support collaboration and deep knowledge integration across the full range of expertise (scientific, computational, educational) within them. This was the subject of RFI NNH17ZDA008L in 2017.

The Heliophysics Division had planned to offer Heliophysics Grand Challenges Research - Science Centers as program element B.9 of ROSES-2017, but scheduling issues prevented it from being released in 2017 so it will be solicited in ROSES-2018.

Questions regarding this program element may be directed to Janet Kozyra at janet.kozyra@nasa.gov.