1 min read
The proposal due dates for three program elements in Appendix B of ROSES-2018 were previously temporarily changed to "TBD" as a result of the partial government shutdown. This amendment announces new due dates for the effected program elements in Appendix B.
For B.6 Living With a Star (LWS) Science, the new Step-1 proposal due date is March 12. 2019, and the new Step-2 proposal due date is May 9, 2019.
For B.13 Heliophysics Phase I DRIVE Science Centers, the new Step-1 proposal due date is March 1, 2019, and the new Step-2 proposal due date is May 2, 2019.
And for B.14, the Second Heliophysics Space Weather Operations to Research (SWO2R) opportunity, the new Step-1 proposal due date is March 12, 2019, and the new Step-2 proposal due date is May 16, 2019.
Questions concerning B.6 Living With a Star (LWS) Science may be directed to jeff.s.morrill@nasa.gov, janet.kozyra@nasa.gov, and simon.p.plunkett@nasa.gov.
Questions concerning B.13 Heliophysics Phase I DRIVE Science Centers may be directed to janet.kozyra@nasa.gov and jim.spann@nasa.gov.
Questions concerning B.14, the Second Heliophysics Space Weather Operations to Research (SWO2R) opportunity may be directed to jim.spann@nasa.gov.