1 min read
Over the years, NASA has invested heavily in the development and execution of an extensive array of space astrophysics missions. The magnitude and scope of the archival data from those missions enables science that transcends traditional wavelength regimes and allows researchers to answer questions that would be difficult, if not impossible, to address through an individual observing program. To capitalize on this invaluable asset and enhance the scientific return on NASA mission investments, the Astrophysics Data Analysis Program (ADAP) provides support for investigations whose focus is on the analysis of archival data from NASA space astrophysics missions.
On the release of ROSES-2017 the proposal due date for the Astrophysics Data Analysis Program (ADAP, D.2) was Tuesday May 16, 2017. Traditionally, the due date for this program has been on a Friday. To avoid any confusion, this amendment delays the proposal due date ADAP to Friday May 19, 2017.
Any questions regarding this program element may be directed to Douglas Hudgins at Douglas.M.Hudgins@nasa.gov.