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Amendment 8: New Program Element: D.15 Astrophysics Science SmallSat Studies

Program element D.15 Astrophysics Science SmallSat Studies supports six-month studies of spaceflight mission concepts that can be accomplished for low cost using small spacecraft in standard form factors, including CubeSats, CubeSat constellations, Expendable Launch Vehicle Secondary Payload Adapter (ESPA) and ESPA-grande-ring compatible spacecraft, launched as secondary payloads.

The AS3 program is intended to capitalize on the creativity in the astrophysics science community to envision science enabled by smaller and significantly lower cost missions. NASA is considering including missions of this class in future Announcements of Opportunity for Astrophysics Explorers Missions of Opportunity.

NASA expects to make awards for mission concept studies that will span the breadth of possible science investigations that are enabled by CubeSat/SmallSat technologies and available secondary launch opportunities. Mission design assistance, if required, for these mission concepts will be offered by NASA during the six-month studies.

Notices of Intent are not requested for this program element. Proposals are due by July 13, 2018. A FAQ will be posted on the NSPIRES page of this program element under “Other Documents”.

Questions concerning this program element may be directed to Michael Garcia at



Last Updated
May 22, 2023