This Amendment announces that C.22 BepiColombo Participating Scientists Program is not solicited as it has been superceded by a joint ESA and JAXA Announcement of Opportunity for Interdisciplinary Scientists and Guest Investigators in the BepiColombo mission.
On the release of ROSES-2019 a placeholder for this program element indicated that the Planetary Science Division might solicit proposals for BepiColombo participating scientists. This program element will not be solicited. It has been superceded by a joint ESA and JAXA Announcement of Opportunity for Interdisciplinary Scientists and Guest Investigators in the BepiColombo mission that invites proposals for Interdisciplinary Scientists and Guest Investigators to increase the scientific return of the BepiColombo Mercury mission.
At the time of the release of this amendment to ROSES ESA/JAXA solicitation is requiring a mandatory letter of intent is by June 13, 2019 at 12:00pm (noon) CEST and proposals are due by July 15, 2019 at 12:00pm (noon) CEST. Please check the solicitation linked above for the latest information.
BepiColombo is a joint mission of ESA and JAXA for the exploration of the planet Mercury. The mission consists of two satellites launched together: The Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) and the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). BepiColombo will use two Venus gravitational assists to optimize its trajectory to Mercury. These Venus fly-bys will take place on October 16, 2020 and August 11, 2021. BepiColombo is due to arrive at Mercury and begin its science exploitation phase in December 2025 (MPO) and April 2026 (MMO), respectively. The duration of the nominal science operations is one year.
Successful candidates will be appointed for a first period of three years (renewable). For more information please refer to the ESA Announcement of Opportunity available at
Proposals from investigators at US organizations will require letters of endorsement. For NASA letters of endorsement or any other questions concerning this program element please contact Shoshana Weider at