Notices have been added to the top of both the DALI and MatISSE program elements in an attempt to distinguish between the scope of these two calls. Instruments advancing lunar science suitable for small landers, including those of commercial providers, should be submitted to C.22 DALI, whereas those with a broader scope belong in C.13 MatISSE. Proposers considering submissions to both programs are strongly encouraged review the prohibition on duplicate proposals guidance in Section 3.1 of C.1 Planetary Science Research Program Overview.
The Maturation of Instruments for Solar System Exploration (MatISSE) Program element (C.13 of ROSES-2018) supports the advanced development of spacecraft-based instruments that show promise for use in future planetary missions, to develop and demonstrate planetary science instruments to the point where they may be proposed in response to future announcements of flight opportunity without additional extensive technology development. The technology readiness levels (TRLs) that MatISSE supports are TRL 4-6.
The new Development and Advancement of Lunar Instrumentation Program (DALI) Program element (C.22 of ROSES-2018) supports the advanced development of spacecraft-based instruments that show promise for use in future Lunar missions including expected commercial ventures. The goal of the program is to develop and demonstrate lunar science instruments to the point where they may be proposed in response to future announcements of flight opportunity without additional extensive technology development. The technology readiness levels (TRLs) that DALI supports are also TRL 4-6.
The mandatory Step-1 due date for DALI is 04/03/2018. The mandatory Step-1 due date for MatISSE is 04/18/2018.