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NASA Seeks Proposals for Space Biology and Physical Sciences Research 

On Dec. 19, 2024, NASA released two amendments to the NASA Research Announcement Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2024 (NNH24ZDA001N) to announce the E.9 Space Biology: Research Studies and E.12 Physical Sciences Research Studies program elements.  

Space Biology Proposals 

The research emphases of E.9 Space Biology: Research Studies fall under two broad categories: Precision Health and Space Crops  

  • For Precision Health-focused studies, investigators may propose to use any non-primate animal model system and any appropriate cell/tissue culture/microphysiological system/organoid or microbial models that are supported by the chosen platform.  
  • For Space Crop-focused studies, applicants may propose to use any plant, relevant microbe, and/or plant and microbe model system(s) that is (are) supported by the chosen platform.  

The E.9 Space Biology: Research Studies opportunity includes five different Project Types: Research Investigations, Early Career Research Investigations, New NASA Investigators, OSDR Analytical Investigations, and Tissue Sharing Investigations. Specific requirements for each of these Project Types are described in the program element text. Questions concerning E.9 Space Biology: Research Studies may be directed to Lynn Harrison (for Precision Health) and Elison Blancaflor (for Space Crops) at  

Physical Sciences Proposals 

E.12 Physical Sciences: Research Studies solicits proposals to investigate physical phenomena in the absence of gravity and fundamental laws that describe the universe, and applied research that contributes to the basic understanding of processes underlying space exploration technologies.  

The Physical Sciences program is divided into two key goals: Foundations and Quantum Leaps. Foundations focuses on understanding the behavior of fluids, combustion, soft matter, and materials in the spaceflight environment. Quantum Leaps aims to probe the very nature of the universe using exquisitely precise space-based quantum sensors to test the Einstein equivalence principle, dark sector physics, and the nature of fundamental physical constants.  

The E.12 Physical Sciences: Research Studies opportunity will include four different Project Types: Research Investigations, New NASA Investigators, Physical Sciences Informatics, and Fundamental Physics Investigations. Specific requirements for each of these Project Types are described in detail in the program element text. Questions concerning E.12 Physical Sciences Research Studies may be directed to Brad Carpenter (regarding Foundations and PSI) or Mike Robinson (regarding Quantum Leaps) by writing to  

Town Hall 

A pre-proposer’s townhall for applicants interested in submitting a proposal to these program elements will be held virtually on Jan. 22, 2025, at 3 p.m. Eastern Time. Meeting information will be posted on the NSPIRES page for each of the program elements under "Other Documents." 

Proposals to these program elements shall be submitted via a two-step process  

  • Step-1 proposals must be submitted by Feb. 4, 2025  
  • Step-2 proposals are due on May 6, 2025 

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