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ARES SME Shares Work Aiming to Bring Inspiration to Multiple Generations through Apollo in Real Time Website

ARES SME Shares Work Aiming to Bring Inspiration to Multiple Generations through Apollo in Real Time Website

In December 2019, Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES) team member Ben Feist shared his experience bringing together audio, transcripts, video, and imagery to create the Apollo in Real Time website. The site enables users to experience Apollo missions as they occurred ~50 years ago.

Over 600 live participants and ~200 archive participants were involved in the event. Participants were from 25 different states and Mexico and included students in grades 2 - 12.

Numerous Science Activation Team Member target audiences including Solar System Ambassadors, Librarians, Museum Alliance folks, Night Sky Network folks, and other informal educators participated and indicated they will share the information and resource with members of the public they connect with.

Participant Quotes:

"Thank you! Even though my kids are very young, because they are gifted they were so into everything that was said. It was very exciting to watch their eyes light up and will lead to further exploration and research for them."

"This was great to inspire students to consider various careers that they can go into all under the heading of NASA."

"What I liked most: Gaining an appreciation for the incredible value of this contribution to preserving the historical record for present and future generations."

"Amazing presentation. I haven’t stopped talking about it since!"

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Last Updated
Dec 17, 2019