NASA's Smoky Mountains STEM Collaborative Hosts James Webb Space Telescope First Images Events
NASA's Smoky Mountains STEM Collaborative (SMSC) was one of many organizations that hosted NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) First Images Livestream event on July 12th, 2022, with an introduction for our local audience by SMSC Principal Investigator, Matt Cass. The next day, SMSC followed this up the next day with community trivia to educate those who may not be aware of the impact JWST has and will have for science education and provided an opportunity for people interested in space exploration to interact with them through a fun activity. They hosted two rounds of trivia, with the first being dedicated specifically to facts about the space telescope and the second focusing on the released images.
When asked about their favorite first image, a community member stated "the one that looked like the floor of a bowling alley (Webb's First Deep Field)" was their favorite.
SMSC Project Coordinator, Randi Neff, will follow up with additional community events at local libraries this August in Robbinsville, Andrews, Murphy, Hayesville and Sylva, NC to hold discussions about the first images for adults. Children will also be provided with coloring sheets, and there will be an activity on the life cycle of stars with bookmarks and beads to represent the different stages.
The SMSC project is supported by NASA under cooperative agreement award number NNX16AB87A and is part of NASA's Science Activation Portfolio. Learn more about SMSC: