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Planetary Analog Explorer

The Analog Explorer gallery shows field research sites on Earth side-by-side with similar environments on other worlds.

Pairs like these are called planetary analogs. Research at analog locations on Earth helps scientists to make sense of our solar system.

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In an underground cave, five researchers wearing helmets and headlamps look towards a brightly lit opening overhead. The rocky cavern is large enough for all five to stand apart.
Naturally-occurring lava caves may someday shelter astronauts on the Moon and Mars from harmful radiation. (Images not to scale.)
Satellite image of the Moon’s surface. In the middle of the image, the surface is sharply interrupted by what appears to be an opening in the roof of a cave. The landscape is illuminated at a low angle, revealing a small part of what looks like a larger void below the opening.

Planetary ANalog Explorer

Lava Caves: California and the Moon

Naturally-occurring lava caves may someday shelter astronauts on the Moon and Mars from harmful radiation.

Near Medicine Lake Volcano in California, scientists explore lava caves from both inside and out, working towards a future in which astronauts will be able to detect hidden caves from above ground. These images are not to scale; the opening in the Moon’s surface measures 65 meters (213 feet) across. Credits: NASA/Ernie Bell (left), NASA/Arizona State University (right)

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Scientists carry gear as the navigate the slopes of a volcano.
On the slopes of Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano, researchers use aerial cameras and hand-held science instruments to characterize their surroundings.
NASA/Andrea Jones
An astronaut works near a Moon buggy on the surface of the Moon.
An Apollo 15 astronaut at work near Hadley Rille on the Moon.

Planetary ANalog Explorer

Basalt Landscapes: Kilauea and the Moon

Field research in Earth’s most Moon-like places bridges the gap between past and future exploration.

On the slopes of Hawaiʻi’s Kilauea Volcano, researchers use aerial cameras and hand-held science instruments to characterize their surroundings. Their goal: to determine how long it would take a small team of geologists and astronauts to perform the same kinds of tasks in a different volcanically-formed environment, like the lunar surface. Future crews will draw on lessons learned from both modern mission simulation at sites on Earth and the Apollo missions. (Shown here: An Apollo 15 astronaut at work near Hadley Rille on the Moon.) Credits: NASA/Andrea Jones (left), NASA (right)

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A scientist in a t-shirt and long pants with a hat hanging off her neck inspects rocks in the desert.
A scientist examines salts found in Utah’s Pilot Valley.//
Courtesy of Dr. Kennda Lynch
A spacecraft's scoop hangs above the red soil of Mars. The spacecraft's solar arrays can be seen to the left of the scoop.
Perchlorate, a salt that stores energy so well it’s used as an ingredient in solid rocket fuel, has been observed in many places on Mars. Shown here: NASA's Phoenix Lander in the Martian northern plains.
NASA/JPL-Caltech/U Arizona

Planetary ANalog Explorer

Looking for Life: Utah and Mars

Brines and salts found throughout our solar system may play a big role in habitability.

The salts found in Utah's Pilot Valley are exceptional and ordinary at the same time. Perchlorate, a salt that stores energy so well it’s used as an ingredient in solid rocket fuel, has been observed in many places on Mars. (Shown here: the Martian northern plains.) On Earth, tiny life forms use this same kind of salt as an energy source. Recent data suggests that perchlorate is common throughout our solar system, including on ocean worlds like Jupiter's moon Europa. If microbial life exists beyond our planet, or if it ever did in the past, knowledge of these salts may someday help scientists to recognize it. Note on scale: The solar panel array in the Mars image is part of NASA's Phoenix lander and is about the size of a large dinner table. Credits: Courtesy of Dr. Kennda Lynch (left), NASA/JPL-Caltech/U Arizona (right)

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A smiling, bundled-up researcher stands beside an array of heavy-duty containers and equipment spread across a dim, icy landscape. Behind her, another researcher works. In the background, dark mountains rise into misty, heavy clouds.
The limb of moon Enceladus with bright jets shooting material out into space
Saturn's moon Enceladus sprays liquid into space.
NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

Planetary Analog Explorer

Icequakes: Alaska and Enceladus

The same technology that measures earthquakes can also detect the motion of subsurface oceans.

Alaska’s Gulkana Glacier and Saturn's moon Enceladus have secrets in common: liquid water concealed by a thick layer of dirty, rocky ice. Icequake-detecting experiments at Gulkana Glacier lay the groundwork for future measurements on Enceladus – but no lander has yet touched down on that frozen world. This image of Enceladus was taken from about 14,000 kilometers (9,000 miles) away. Its scale is 81 meters (267 feet) per pixel.  Credits: NASA/Nick Schmerr (left), NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute (right)

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Two scientists unload gear from the back of a truck and onto the desert floor.
Chile’s Atacama Desert, one of the driest places on Earth, helps us to understand how the building blocks of life might respond to Martian conditions over time. The science instruments in this truck can detect very small amounts of target molecules in the Sun-baked soil.
NASA/Marco Castillo
A small helicopter sits on the surface of Mars near the much larger Perseverance rover.
The Mars Perseverance rover poses for a selfie with its travel buddy, the Ingenuity helicopter.
Two scientists unload gear from the back of a truck and onto the desert floor.
Chile’s Atacama Desert, one of the driest places on Earth, helps us to understand how the building blocks of life might respond to Martian conditions over time. The science instruments in this truck can detect very small amounts of target molecules in the Sun-baked soil.
NASA/Marco Castillo
A small helicopter sits on the surface of Mars near the much larger Perseverance rover.
The Mars Perseverance rover poses for a selfie with its travel buddy, the Ingenuity helicopter.

Planetary ANalog Explorer

Looking for Life: the Atacama Desert and Mars

This portable lab examines Earth’s most barren soils.

Description: Chile’s Atacama Desert, one of the driest places on Earth, helps us to understand how the building blocks of life might respond to Martian conditions over time. The science instruments in this truck can detect very small amounts of target molecules in the sun-baked soil. Robotic explorers like NASA’s Perseverance Rover, shown here with rotorcraft Ingenuity in the background, use their own portable lab instruments to search for biosignatures on Mars. Note on scale: Perseverance is slightly taller than the human researchers, and Ingenuity is just nineteen inches tall. Credits: NASA/Marco Castillo (left), NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS (right)

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Grayish-white expanse of rippled land at the foot of a volcano.
Researchers in Iceland’s Vikursundar region, at the foot of Askja volcano, survey and monitor large ripples in the landscape’s gravelly surface.
NASA/Stephen Scheidt
Ripples and valleys on Mars
The Martian ridges shown in this Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter image are ten times the size of the ones found in Iceland.

Planetary Analog Explorer

Land Ripples: Iceland and Mars

Aerial views reveal shifting ridges on these planets’ windswept surfaces.

Researchers in Iceland’s Vikursundar region, at the foot of Askja volcano, survey and monitor large ripples in the landscape’s gravelly surface (left). These ripples are sluggish, moving only under the most extreme weather conditions. Year after year, the team uses science instruments mounted on small drones to capture digital terrain models of the landscape, revealing changes over time. Mars, too, has slow-moving land ripples (right).  Note on scale: The Martian ridges shown in this Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter image are ten times the size of the ones in Iceland. The field of view on the left is 300 meters or 1000 feet wide, compared to three kilometers (almost two miles) on the right. Credits: NASA/Stephen Scheidt (left), NASA/JPL/University of Arizona (right)

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A dark grey, barren hillside covered in boulders of many sizes. In the background: distant blue mountain ridgelines under a clear sky.
NASA/Andrea Jones
Rover’s-eye view of an orange-brown, barren landscape covered in boulders of many sizes. In the near foreground, part of the rover is captured in its own camera’s field of view.

Planetary Analog Explorer

Rocky Reconnaissance: California and Mars

Robotic explorers test their capabilities against rugged terrestrial landscapes before leaving home.

Description: The Viking landers were the first to return images from the Martian surface, but the views they sent home were familiar. Utopia Planitia, as seen by Viking 2, looks a lot like Death Valley National Park. It’s no coincidence that NASA’s Mars 2020 team practiced hazard avoidance here before sending Perseverance and Ingenuity on their way to Mars. Credits: NASA/Andrea Jones (left), NASA/JPL/Caltech (right)

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Satellite view of a deep blue lake surrounded by a green and brown landscape. The lake’s edge is clearly visible as a narrow band of light-colored material.
Satellite image of an ancient crater with a dry riverbed flowing into it. Inside the crater’s rim, in what looks like a former river delta, an oval-shaped outline is labeled “Mars Perseverance Landing Site, 4.8 mi x 4.1 mi, 7.7 km x 6.6 km”.

Planetary Analog Explorer

Looking for Life: Turkey and Mars

Sediments at Lake Salda’s edge hold clues about the history of Jezero Crater, an ancient Martian lakebed.

The light-colored sediments seen at the edge of Lake Salda, in Turkey, may have formed with the help of tiny living things. In Jezero Crater, a place on Mars that has geological and mineral characteristics in common with Lake Salda, NASA's Perseverance Rover is searching for similar signs of ancient life. Evidence of a former river flow along Jezero’s rim suggests that this crater was once a vast lakebed. Images not to scale; Lake Salda is similar in size to the oval-shaped landing area, shown here, that Perseverance targeted for landing. Credits: NASA/USGS (left), NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/JHU-APL/Purdue/USGS (right)

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Scientists walk across lumpy, dark brown land
Planetary volcanologists test scientific hypotheses about how volcanoes form at sites like Aden Crater, a shield volcano in New Mexico.
NASA/Lora Bleacher
Illustration of volcanoes and orange and yellow scorched ground on Venus.
Shield volcanoes like Sif Mons, the low mountain near the right-hand horizon in this computer-generated image of Venus, are common on planets and moons throughout our solar system.

Planetary ANalog Explorer

Shield Volcanoes: New Mexico and Venus

Earth’s lava landscapes help us to understand volcanic processes on other worlds.

Shield volcanoes like Sif Mons, the low mountain near the right-hand horizon in this computer-generated image of Venus, are common on planets and moons throughout our solar system. Planetary volcanologists test scientific hypotheses about how volcanoes form at sites like Aden Crater, a shield volcano in New Mexico. Note on scale: The two prominent Venusian mountains shown here are about 750 kilometers, or 453 miles, apart. Credits: NASA/Lora Bleacher (left), NASA/JPL (right)

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Rocky outcrop in a sandy, hilly area, under a blue sky with a cloud.
In Arizona’s Verde Valley, scientists use field and lab research to learn how signs of life, or biosignatures, are preserved.
A rover sits on the hilly, orange Martian surface beneath a flat grey sky, surrounded by chunks of rock.
NASA's Curiosity rover at the base of Mt. Sharp

Planetary Analog Explorer

Looking for Life: Arizona and Mars

How do signs of ancient life change over time? Earth’s saltiest lakebeds can help us find out.

In Arizona’s Verde Valley, scientists use field and lab research to learn how signs of life, or biosignatures, are preserved. This kind of work helps robotic explorers like NASA’s Curiosity rover, shown here at the base of Mount Sharp, know what to look for on Mars – and helps the researchers back home to understand what they find. Note on scale: the Curiosity rover is about the same size as a large SUV. Credits: NASA/Svetlana Shkolyar (left), NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS (right)

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Scientists maneuver gear on the dark ground near ice.
Explorers search for buried ice on Earth using ground-penetrating radar. Scientists use ground-penetrating radar to find buried ice near Askja volcano in Iceland.
NASA/Cherie Achilles
Dark, shadowy craters in the Moon
Future lunar explorers will try to detect water ice beneath the lunar surface in permanently shadowed regions near the lunar South Pole.

Planetary ANalog Explorer

Subsurface Ice: Iceland and the Lunar South Pole

Explorers search for buried ice on Earth using ground-penetrating radar.

Scientists use ground-penetrating radar to find buried ice near Askja volcano in Iceland. The same technology will help future lunar explorers to detect water ice beneath the lunar surface in permanently shadowed regions near the lunar South Pole. Humans have not yet set foot on this part of the Moon, and even if there were astronauts in this view, they would be much too small to see. The large crater near the center of this image is about 100 kilometers (62 miles) wide. Credits: NASA/Cherie Achilles (left), NASA (right)

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