Technology Highlights

Swirling magnetic field lines extend from a CAD model of the Psyche spacecraft.

Quantum Scale Sensors used to Measure Planetary Scale Magnetic Fields

Magnetic fields are everywhere in our solar system. They originate from the Sun, planets, and moons, and are carried throughout interplanetary space by solar wind. This is precisely why magnetometers—devices used to measure magnetic fields—are flown on almost all missions…

A bright green laser beam is hitting a tiny glassy cube. The bottom photo shows the same setup, but with a large circular filter added in front of the glassy cube. The laser beam is invisible behind the filter, the glassy cube emits a reddish glow.

Solid State Quantum Magnetometers—Seeking out water worlds from the quantum world

“Follow the water!”  The solar system is full of water in different states, from the Sun’s water vapor to the ice of Pluto and beyond. Water is not only linked to the possibility to sustain life, it is also interesting…

A cylindrical metal device with an azimuthal white channel mounted to a metal support structure inside a much larger metal chamber. A blue glow lights up the azimuthal chamber and a blue plume radiates light to the right of the thruster.

Pushing the Limits of Sub-Kilowatt Electric Propulsion Technology to Enable Planetary Exploration and Commercial Mission Concepts

NASA has developed an advanced propulsion technology to facilitate future planetary exploration missions using small spacecraft. Not only will this technology enable new types of planetary science missions, one of NASA’s commercial partners is already preparing to use it for…

A long, brown, cylindrical structure penetrates blue water; a beam of gold light projected from the side of the structure toward the surface.

Digging Deeper to Find Life on Ocean Worlds

In February 2023, researchers from around the country gathered at a NASA-sponsored workshop to discuss the latest developments and a roadmap for a cryobot mission concept to drill through the icy crusts of Europa and Enceladus and search for life.

A laboratory containing several large tubes with protruding wires and tubes. The door to the tube in the center is open, showing the equipment inside the tube.

Deploying and Demonstrating Navigation Aids on the Lunar Surface

NASA is developing lunar navigation beacons to be deployed on spacecraft or the lunar surface to aid in localization and help future space vehicles determine position, velocity, and time to high accuracy.

A large circular endcap with holes around its circumference next to a cylindrical test chamber with rods that fit into the holes on the endcap.

HOTTech Attempts to Tackle Venus

Specialized test rig determines how new technologies fare in extreme conditions PROJECT: Hot Operating Temperature Technology (HOTTech) Program; NASA Glenn Extreme Environment Rig (GEER) SNAPSHOT: Projects in NASA’s HOTTech Program are developing technologies that will operate on the surface of…

Artist’s concept of the cross-sectional view of Europa

Sending Signals Through the Ice on Ocean Worlds

PROJECT: Ocean Worlds Signals Through the Ice (STI) SNAPSHOT: The Ocean Worlds Signals Through the Ice (STI) team is developing communication technologies to enable subsurface exploration of ocean worlds where conditions may be conducive to life. Detection of extraterrestrial life…

Artist rendering of a monitoring station on the moon surface with Earth in the background

Space-age buoys for long-duration monitoring of the Moon

PROJECT The Lunar Environment Monitoring Station (LEMS) SNAPSHOT As we embark on an era of renewed exploration of our closest cosmic neighbor—the Moon—a need arises for a new generation of surface instruments that can operate autonomously for very long durations…

Photo of Jupiter's moon Europa, light grey with brown streaks.

Taking the Pulse of NASA’s Robotic Explorers

PROJECT Model-based Off-Nominal State Identification and Detection (MONSID) software SNAPSHOT Keeping NASA’s robotic explorers healthy takes smart software, especially in remote and harsh environments. An initial investment by NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program led to development of a…


Protecting Future Planetary Missions from Extreme Heat

PROJECT Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator – Domestic (PICA-D) Development and PICA Capability Sustainment (PCS) SNAPSHOT To ensure the availability of Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) thermal protection systems (TPS) for NASA missions, the agency is developing PICA-D – an updated…

Photograph of three men wearing face masks and purple laytex gloves working on a piece of technical equipment

New Instrument Brings Next-generation Molecular Analysis of Mars into Sharp Focus

PROJECT Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (LITMS) SNAPSHOT To address the growing need for in situ molecular analysis of Mars samples at fine spatial scales, NASA is developing the miniature LITMS instrument, which combines a laser and gas chromatograph mass…

Photograph of two men wearing breathing masks and sitting in a lab with blue metal cases holding computer equipment.

Surviving the Lunar Night: DRPS Could Enable the Power to Explore

PROJECT Dynamic Radioisotope Power Systems Project SNAPSHOT Dynamic Radioisotope Power Systems (DRPS) may enable lunar science payloads to survive and thrive during the harsh lunar night. New robust DRPS have been built and delivered by industry and are in the…

Artist illustration of Europa, Jupiter's moon, a blue image indicating the icy surface glow.

Frosty: A Micro-fabricated Optical Seismometer to Measure Minute Forces in a Mighty Environment

PROJECT “Frosty” micro-fabricated optical seismometer SNAPSHOT To characterize ice sheets and mantle on icy worlds, NASA is developing a new type of seismometer that is ultra-small, easy to manufacture, immune to radiation damage, and operates with low power consumption. Icy…

Artist concept of Mars Rover landing the on Mars surface

Terrain Relative Navigation: Landing Between the Hazards

PROJECT Terrain Relative Navigation (TRN) SNAPSHOT To land accurately and avoid hazardous terrain, NASA has developed an autonomous, vision-based system for landmark recognition, spacecraft position estimation, and spacecraft retargeting, which will be used on Mars 2020 and potentially other future…

Photo of three scientists (1 female, 2 male) working on Q-PACE electronics at a desk.

A Small Satellite With Planetary Ambitions

PROJECT CubeSat Particle Aggregation and Collision Experiment, or Q-PACE SNAPSHOT Q-PACE will capture video of thousands of gentle collisions between particles in microgravity to understand the earliest steps in planet formation. A NASA-sponsored team at the University of Central Florida…

Photo of scientists in lab assembling equipment

Surface and Exosphere Alterations by Landers (SEAL): NASA’s Next Lunar Payload?

PROJECT Surface and Exosphere Alterations by Landers (SEAL) SNAPSHOT SEAL will provide valuable in situ lunar data to give scientists insight into how a spacecraft landing might affect the composition of nearby regolith samples. When a space vehicle lands on…

Photo of some members of the WASSR team loading science gear onto an aircraft

Exploring a New Approach for Measuring Water Vapor on Earth and Mars

PROJECT Vapor Inside-cloud Profiling Radar (VIPR) and WAter Sounding Short-range Radar (WASSR) SNAPSHOT NASA researchers are exploring a new radar-based method to map water vapor both in Earth’s atmosphere and near the surface of Mars. Mapping water vapor is a…

Artist concept of spacecraft with mirrors in orbit

Lightweight Mirrors Enhance Power Generation Near Gas Giants

PROJECT Extreme Environments Solar Power (EESP) Project demonstration of Transformational Array elements on DART SNAPSHOT The EESP Project is developing advanced solar cell and concentrator technology that will be flight-tested on the upcoming DART mission. The Transformational Array containing this…

Photo of DrACO team

Playing Lacrosse on Titan

PROJECT Integrated Sampling System (ISS) for Ocean Worlds SNAPSHOT Honeybee Robotics has developed a pneumatic based sample acquisition and transfer system that is self-metering, gravity agnostic, works with sticky materials, and is flexible in terms of delivery location. The system…

Image of Jupiter's moon Europa

Planetary Exploration Science Technology Office

This blog post originated in the 2018 Science Mission Directorate Science and Technology Report. PROJECT Planetary Exploration Science Technology Office (PESTO) KEY POINTS A new office has been created to manage the development of scientific instruments, space vehicle technologies, and…

Photo of scientist in lab gear working on computer testing chips

Integrated Circuits to Enable Exploration of the Harshest Environments in the Solar System

PROJECT High Temperature Memory Electronics for Long-Lived Venus Missions KEY POINTS Newly developed silicon carbide electronics have operated in ovens for over a year at 500°C and for 60 days in simulated Venus surface conditions. This technology is key to…

Artist's concept of the Mars Helicopter with the Mars 2020 rover in the background

Mars Helicopter is Ready for Extraterrestrial Flight

PROJECT Mars Helicopter KEY POINTS The Mars Helicopter is a technology demonstration for the Mars 2020 rover mission, intended to show the feasibility and utility of using helicopters for Mars exploration. This technology may enable future missions to perform reconnaissance…

Photo of hyperdust prototype

Surveying the Building Blocks of the Solar System

PROJECT High-Performance In Situ Dust Analyzer (Hyperdust) KEY POINTS Hyperdust’s unique ion optics design combines the ability to provide high-performance composition measurements with the aperture that is needed to detect a statistically significant number of particles in space over a…

Photo of Salvatore Oriti and Scott Wilson inspect power converter TDC #13 in NASA GRC’s Stirling Research Laboratory

Record Setting Power System Disassembled and Analyzed: Proves Viability of Power Technology

Project Dynamic Radioisotope Power Key Points Understanding potential failure modes can lead to improved designs that will enable Dynamic RPS to provide highly reliable power to planetary science missions for up to 17 years of operational life. Future NASA missions…

Artist depiction of Dragonfly mission with two parachute rotorcraft above the surface of the moon Titan

Gemini Plus Enables Next-Generation Planetary Composition Measurements

Technology Infusion NASA has funded the development of a new high-purity germanium gamma-ray detector—the GeMini Plus—for use in upcoming planetary exploration missions. High-purity germanium detectors provide superior performance compared to other gamma-ray detectors. This development is being carried out jointly…

Photo of magnetometer sensor comparable in size to a penny

Miniature Magnetometer Will Enable Space Exploration on Resource-Constrained Platforms

Technology Development NASA is sponsoring a joint effort by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to develop a novel miniature absolute scalar magnetometer based on a micro-fabricated alkali-metal…

Image of Saturn's moon Titan

Aerocapture Technologies are Ready for Future Mission Use

Technology Development Aerocapture technologies have the potential to enable orbital missions to the outer planets and their satellites by the judicious use of aerodynamic forces in a planetary atmosphere. These forces can be used to guide a spacecraft from an…

Conceptual design for ARCHIMEDES on Juptier's moon Europa

ARCHIMEDES: A Really Cool High Impact Method for Exploring Down into Europan Subsurface

Technology Development Europa is one of 53 confirmed moons orbiting Jupiter. While slightly smaller than Earth’s moon, Europa primarily consists of silicate rock and is intriguing in that its crust consists of frozen water. Future missions under consideration to Europa…

Photo of HEEET model arojet testing

Heatshield for Extreme Entry Environment Technology Nears Maturity

Technology Development Over the past four years, NASA’s Heatshield for Extreme Entry Environment Technology (HEEET) Project has been maturing a novel, three-dimensional, woven Thermal Protection System (TPS) technology for science missions recommended in the Planetary Science Decadal Survey. These missions—Venus…

Illustrated cross-section of technology demonstration convertors

High-Efficiency Stirling Convertor Demonstrates Long-Term Performance

Technology Development NASA Glenn Research Center has been supporting the development of high-efficiency Stirling power convertors for potential use in Radioisotope Power Systems (RPS) for over a decade. Stirling convertors are engines that convert heat into electricity by oscillating a…

Thermoelectric testing data

Advanced Thermoelectric Technology: Powering Spacecraft and Instruments to Explore the Solar System

Technology Development Radioisotope power systems (RPS) provide the efficient, long-lasting power sources vital to the success of numerous NASA space missions. RPS convert heat generated from the radioactive decay of plutonium-238 oxide into electricity that powers spacecraft and instruments. The…

photo of planet Venus

Electronics Demonstrate Operability in Simulated Venus Conditions

Technology Development NASA’s future planetary exploration efforts, including missions to Venus, require electronics capable of surviving temperatures of 470° C and above for long durations. Such durable electronics eliminate the need for cooling systems to enable sustained operations. Previous operation…

Photo of scientist testing PUFFER on snowy surface

Pop-Up Robots Enable Extreme Terrain Science

This blog post originated in the 2015 Science Mission Directorate Technology Highlights Report (2 MB PDF). Technology Development: A NASA-led team is designing an extremely compact origami rover for new extreme terrain applications in both the planetary and Earth science…

Video still frame of new rover navigating rocky terrain

Computing Advances to Enable Speedy New Rover on the Red Planet

Technology Infused: The Mars 2020 mission has recently adopted a baseline that includes SMD-sponsored technology developments that will enable its rover to drive faster, more safely, and with improved energy efficiency. Planetary rovers have traditionally been limited by the available…

Illustration of spacecraft approaching Europa

Seven SMD-Supported Instruments to Search for Evidence of Life on Europa

Technologies Infused: When NASA launches its mission to explore Jupiter’s moon Europa in the 2020s, seven instruments enabled by SMD technology investments or flight development efforts will be onboard to help achieve mission science goals. The Europa mission will gather…

Photo of radial core heat spreader

Radial Core Heat Spreader to Improve Stirling Radioisotope Generator Heat Rejection

Technology Development: The NASA Glenn Research Center is developing the next generation of Stirling Radioisotope Generators (SRGs) to power deep space science missions. One potential technology gap is the waste heat rejection approach for higher power Stirling convertors. The previous…

Illustration of the Auto-gopher 1 performing a deep drill

Auto-Gopher: Drilling Deep to Explore the Solar System

SMD is supporting development of a deep-drill sampler called the Auto-Gopher for potential deployment in future space exploration missions. Technology Development: The ability to penetrate subsurfaces and collect pristine samples from depths of tens of meters to kilometers is critical…

Testing of HEEET material at the NASA Ames Arc Jet Complex in the Interaction Heating Facility.

Specialized Weaving Techniques Enable a New Heatshield for Planetary Exploration

Technology Development: When the Galileo mission’s probe entered the Jovian atmosphere in December 1995, it experienced temperatures twice as hot as the surface of the sun, and required carbon phenolic shields to protect its onboard payload from the intense heat.…