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Rehearsing for Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s Launch

In this image, six individuals sit at consoles in front of computers during a launch rehearsal for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission.  Launch vehicle manager Arden Acord (a gray-haired, Caucasian middle-aged man with a goatee) points to data on project manager Jim Graf's computer.  Graf is a brown-haired Caucasian man in his fifties.  Flight system manager Howard Eisen sits to Graf's left.  He is a Caucasian man with brown hair and a goatee.  Next to Eisen are two Lockheed Martin employees, one of whom is Tammy Harrington, the mission integration manager.  She is a blond woman in her forties.
July 14, 2009
Credit NASA/JPL-Caltech
  • english

Members of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter project and launch teams conduct a launch rehearsal in the Atlas Spaceflight Operations Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida.