ROSES-2019 Amendment 64 delays by one week the due date for Sustainable Land Imaging-Technology, ROSES-2019 program element A.52.
The goals of the Sustainable Land Imaging-Technology program are to research, develop, and demonstrate new measurement technologies that improve upon the Nation’s current land imaging capabilities while at the same time reduce the overall program cost for future SLI measurements. The SLI-T program seeks to:
- Reduce the risk, cost, size, volume, mass, and development time for the next generation SLI instruments, while still meeting or exceeding the current land imaging program capabilities;
- Improve the temporal, spatial, and spectral resolution of SLI measurements; and
- Enable new SLI measurements that can improve the program’s operational efficiency and reduce the overall costs of the Nation’s land imaging capabilities.
Proposals for Sustainable Land Imaging-Technology, ROSES-2019 program element A.52 are now due April 14, 2020.
The point of contact concerning this program is Sachidananda Babu, who may be reached at