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A.33 ECOSTRESS phone number added

A.33 ECOSTRESS Science and Applications Team solicits proposals for membership on the ECOSTRESS Science and Applications Team under the leadership of the ECOSTRESS Principal Investigator. Proposals should focus on utilization of ECOSTRESS Level 2 (Surface Temperature and Emissivity), Level 3 (Evapotranspiration), and/or Level 4 (Water Use Efficiency and Evaporative Stress Index) data products for basic research of importance to Earth system science and applications relevant to management activities. The program element is also open to production of new higher-level (Levels 3 and 4) data products.

The previously omitted phone number for Keith Gaddis has been added to the summary table of key information (Section 4) of A.33 ECOSTRESS Science and Applications Team. New text is in bold. The proposal due date is unchanged.



Last Updated
Sep 05, 2023