The Sol 41 drive went well, but we are still on relatively featurelessterrain.
The Sol 41 drive went well, but we are still on relatively featureless
terrain. We planned another drive for Sol 42, and a huge Mastcam mosaic
from the new position. It is pointed toward Glenelg and the surrounding
area, and will be used to identify interesting targets for future
Another first-time activity was completed on Sol 41: Active neutron
spectrometry during the drive. These data will allow variations in
hydrogen (most likely in hydrated, or water-rich minerals) within about 1
meter of the surface to be measured in greater detail. Such variations
have already been detected between the places the rover has stopped.
Our work schedule is getting closer to normal workday hours, with first
shift starting around 4 AM these days. By the end of September our
schedule will be close to that of most Earthlings in California!
Written by Ken Herkenhoff, Planetary Geologist at USGS Astrogeology Science Center