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Optimizing Science and Exploration – Charter

March 2009

OSEWG is jointly chaired by NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD) and Science Mission Directorate (SMD), and was created in March 2007. It is expected that as NASA advances its exploration goals, the OSEWG and its charter may also transform. The charter captures the Vision, Mission, and Goals of the OSEWG.

VISION: “Where are we going?”

OSEWG is recognized as the managing entity for collaboration and communication between and among the ESMD, SMD, Space Operations Mission Directorate (SOMD), the NASA science community, and associated partners, to achieve NASA's science and exploration goals.

MISSION: “Our reason for being”

OSEWG synthesizes, bridges, and communicates the exploration science objectives and goals of ESMD, SMD, SOMD, and exploration science partners.

OSEWG optimizes the productivity, resources, and results of exploration and science.

OSEWG engages in mission concept planning and science requirements definition to help inform the development of systems that will optimize exploration and science investigations.

GOALS: “How do we achieve the vision?”

  • Identify the management and engineering resources required to achieve exploration science objectives.
  • Identify and disposition the processes by which clear communication of exploration science goals, needs, objectives, results, etc. will occur.
  • Review the feasibility of, disposition, and prioritize candidate science and exploration requirements within the scope of exploration architecture and engineering constraints.
  • Formulate the metrics for assessing the quality of science operations and return.
  • Review and submit requirements designed to optimize science and exploration for inclusion within NASA requirements documentation.
  • Engage in strategic planning to accomplish science objectives within NASA’s exploration framework. Conduct strategic planning exercises that incorporate achievement of science objectives within NASA’s exploration framework as a guiding principle and principal goal.
  • Help derive the tactical planning framework and the process for science implementation, including analytical integration and flight opportunities, as requirements mature and evolve.