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Sol 805 Update on Curiosity from USGS Scientist Ken Herkenhoff: Tight Sol

MSL planning is no longer restricted, but today'scommands must be sent to the spacecraft earlier than usual, so tacticalplanning started 1 hour earlier than usual.

MSL planning is no longer restricted, but today’s
commands must be sent to the spacecraft earlier than usual, so tactical
planning started 1 hour earlier than usual. The Sol 803 drive put the
rover in a good position for examination of
fine-scale layering using the arm instruments.
The science
team proposed several arm activities on various targets, but time
limitations required reducing the observations to APXS measurements and
MAHLI imaging of two targets, “Ricardo” and “Pelona.” The Dust Removal
Tool will be used to brush dust off of the target
Pelona before imaging it with MAHLI and placing the APXS on it for
overnight integration. It was a hectic morning for me as SOWG Chair as
we prioritized science targets and determined what could be included in
the plan and reviewed before the deadline for
uplink to the rover.
Dates of planned rover activities described in these reports are subject to change due to a variety of factors related to the Martian environment, communication relays and rover status.

Written by Ken Herkenhoff, Planetary Geologist at USGS Astrogeology Science Center



Last Updated
Oct 30, 2024

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