The Earth as seen from space.

Open Science at NASA

NASA is making a long-term commitment to building an inclusive open science community over the next decade. Open-source science is a commitment to the open sharing of software, data, and knowledge (algorithms, papers, documents, ancillary information) as early as possible in the scientific process.

Open Principles

The principles of open-source science are to make publicly funded scientific research transparent, inclusive, accessible, and reproducible. Advances in technology, including collaborative tools and cloud computing, help enable open-source science, but technology alone is insufficient. Open-source science requires a culture shift to a more inclusive, transparent, and collaborative scientific process, which will increase the pace and quality of scientific progress.

Open science Facts

Learn More About Open Science

NASA’s Transform to Open Science (TOPS) initiative helps people understand and implement open science practices in their own work. This initiative created Open Science 101, a free online training course to give researchers, academics, and the public a practical working knowledge of open science principles. 

Take Open Science 101
Students sit in front of a panel of speakers at the Kennedy Space Center.

Why Do Open Science?

●  Broadens participation and fosters greater collaboration in scientific investigations by lowering the barriers to entry into scientific exploration
●  Generates greater impact and more citations to scientific results

Learn More About the Benefits of Open Science
A woman wearing a lab coat and looking through a microscope.

Open Science Features and Events

Headshot of Rahul Ramachandran.

Marshall Research Scientist Enables Large-Scale Open Science

Rahul Ramachandran, a senior research scientist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and scientific data management expert, is helping researchers to use data more effectively through AI models.

The four astronauts from the Inspiration4 commercial crew mission smile while wearing their spacesuits.

NASA’s Repository Supports Research of Commercial Astronaut Health

Data from the the Inspiration4 mission has led to the first comprehensive, open-access database to include commercial astronaut health information. 

Hurricane Idalia as photographed by NASA's Terra satellite in August 2023. The swirling mass of the hurricane passes over some land masses and the ocean.

NASA, IBM Research Release New AI Model for Weather, Climate

Working together, NASA and IBM Research have developed a new artificial intelligence model which could open the door to better regional and local weather and climate models.  

Photo of West African coast from space, showing turquoise water, green coastal areas and tan desert.

Pale Blue Dot: Visualization Challenge Winners Announced

Five international teams took home top honors in a challenge to use open data to create visualizations highlighting the themes of zero hunger, clean water, and climate action.

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