Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer (OCHMO)

Independent assessment plays a crucial role in NASA’s long-term success by addressing essential questions requiring rapid response to support further…

NASA’s Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer (OCHMO) assembled a small working group to review hydrogen sulfide Spacecraft…

NASA-STD-3001 Volume 1 covers the requirements needed to support astronaut health and provide medical care while Volume 2 covers human-related…

NASA-STD-3001 Home 1.0 Scope 2.0 Applicable Documents 3.0 Health and Medical… More 4.0 Human Performance 5.0 Training 6.0 Medical Operations…

NASA astronaut applicants undergo a thorough medical examination and screening process prior to being selected as astronauts. During the initial…

In June 2024, the NASA Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer (OCHMO) Standards Team hosted an independent assessment…

The CHAPEA crew checks in on their eleventh month in a Mars simulated habitat, and a NASA expert discusses the…

This NASA Technical Standard provides medical requirements and clinical procedures designed to ensure crew health and safety and occupational longevity…

The following literature provides background and reference data related to Standards for decompression sickness, prebreathe protocols, probability models, EVA operations,…