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Gravitational Waves

Amendment 98: D.15 LISA Preparatory Science Mandatory NOI due date delay to February 7, 2025
2 min read

D.15 LISA Preparatory Science (LPS) supports U.S. investigators to conduct activities that contribute to furthering the eventual science yield of…

NASA Reveals Prototype Telescope for Gravitational Wave Observatory
2 min read

NASA has revealed the first look at a full-scale prototype for six telescopes that will enable, in the next decade,…

Amendment 46: Several Changes to D.15 LISA Preparatory Science
2 min read

D.15 LISA Preparatory Science (LPS) supports U.S. investigators to conduct activities that contribute to furthering the eventual science yield of…

Hubble Gravity Waves
3 min read

Gravitational waves are invisible ripples in the fabric of space-time that propagate at the speed of light. They are the…

NASA’s Tiny BurstCube Mission Launches to Study Cosmic Blasts
4 min read

Editor’s note, April 18, 2024: BurstCube deployed into orbit from the space station April 18, 2024. It will begin a…

NASA Collaborating on European-led Gravitational Wave Observatory in Space
4 min read

The first space-based observatory designed to detect gravitational waves has passed a major review and will proceed to the construction…

How NASA Chases and Investigates Bright Cosmic Blips
9 min read

Stephen Lesage’s phone started vibrating just after halftime on Oct. 9, 2022, while he was watching a soccer game in…

A Mesmerizing Model of Monster Black Holes
2 min read

Just about every galaxy the size of our Milky Way (or bigger) has a supermassive black hole at its center.…

Black Holes: Seeing the Invisible!
4 min read

Black holes are some of the most bizarre and fascinating objects in the cosmos. Astronomers want to study lots of…

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