Where does NASA fit?
According to the World Health Organization, air pollution contributes to millions of premature deaths around the world each year. Pollution also dirties our skylines and harms animal and plant life. NASA instruments — on satellites, planes, and the ground — constantly collect data on major pollutants. NASA-funded scientists track the sources and concentrations of these pollutants and their movement through the atmosphere. They provide managers and policymakers with Earth observations that can inform air quality standards, public policies, and government regulations for economic and human welfare.
What Is Air Quality?
NASA's Tropospheric Emissions Monitoring Pollution (TEMPO) mission is a partnership with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics to observe North America's air quality. Watch to learn what air quality is and why it's important we study it!
Learn MoreFilling an Air Pollution Data Gap
Many cities have shortages of air quality monitors. NASA scientists have developed a tool called GEOS-CF that can help.
Read MoreThe TEMPO Mission
TEMPO, or Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution, is the first space-based instrument to continuously measure air quality above North America with the resolution of a few square miles. It is a collaboration between NASA and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO).
NASA Shares First Images from US Pollution-Monitoring Instrument
On August 24, NASA released the first data maps from its new instrument launched to space earlier this year, which now is successfully transmitting information.
TEMPO: Exploring Air Quality
TEMPO will observe air quality over North America. In this video, we explore air quality, air pollution, climate change, and how TEMPO can help us move our planet towards a brighter future!
New Instrument to Track Air Pollution Hourly, Shed Light on Disparities
NASA Technologies Receive Multiple Nods in TIME Inventions of 2023
The TEMPO Instrument
Air pollution can make breathing a lot harder. To help keep our air clean, it's important for us to know what's actually in the air! NASA's TEMPO mission will be the first satellite instrument to provide hourly data during daylight hours to monitor air quality in North America.
Learn MoreWhat NASA Sees In Our Air
Air Quality News
NASA, EPA Tackle NO2 Air Pollution in Overburdened Communities
New NASA Satellite To Unravel Mysteries About Clouds, Aerosols
Curious Universe Podcast: Tiny but Mighty
Aerosols! These tiny particles, generated by everything from desert dust storms to car exhaust, play a huge role in our atmosphere, affecting our health when we breathe them in and even changing the weather.
Satellite Data Can Help Limit the Dangers of Windblown Dust
A Tale of Three Pollutants
An Unequal Air Pollution Burden at School
Satellite observations show that students of color in the U.S. attend public schools with higher concentrations of air pollution than their white peers.
Recent Science Results about Air Quality and Pollution
NASA Data Helps Track Veterans Exposure to Air Pollution
Researchers with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are using NASA Earth observations of smoke and other air pollution to study the health impacts on veterans who were deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq, and other areas of Southwest Asia in the years after September 11, 2001.
Active Missions and Campaigns
NASA engineers and scientists are testing new ways to study air quality from planes and satellites.
NASA and Italian Space Agency Join Forces on Air Pollution Mission
Getting to the Heart of the (Particulate) Matter
A first-ever partnership between NASA, epidemiologists and health organizations will use data from a new NASA space mission to study how particulate matter air pollution affects our health.