Hubble ObservatoryImages of Hubble in space and on the ground.Popular TagsJames Webb Space Telescope - OutreachJames Webb Space Telescope – Engineering imagesHubble Space TelescopeJames Webb Space Telescope - PeopleJames Webb Space Telescope - MISCJames Webb Space TelescopeEarth ObserverEarth Observatory Image of the DayJames Webb Space Telescope - Science imagesThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) transitions back to its normal observing routine after a week of servicing and upgrading by...This photograph shows the Hubble Space Telescope being deployed on April 25, 1990. The photograph was taken by the IMAX...Astronaut Michael J. Massimino, mission specialist, anchored on the end of the Space Shuttle Columbia's Remote Manipulator System (RMS) robotic...This photograph shows the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) flight article assembly with multilayer insulation, high-gain antenna, and solar arrays in...The Hubble Space Telescope (HST), with its normal routine temporarily interrupted, is berthed in the cargo bay of the Space...The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) floats gracefully above the blue Earth in December 1999 at the conclusion of HST servicing...An STS-125 crew member aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis captured this still image of the Hubble Space Telescope as the...The Hubble Space Telescope (HST), in the grasp of the Space Shuttle Columbia's robotic arm, is captured by the STS-109...A STS-125 crewmember aboard the space shuttle Atlantis captured this still image of the Hubble Space Telescope as the two...Orbiting Earth at an altitude of 356 nautical miles, perched atop a foot restraint on the Space Shuttle Endeavour's Remote...Backdropped against the blackness of space, the Space Shuttle Endeavour nears the Hubble Space Telescope. With the aid of the...This photograph of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was taken with a digital still camera aimed through an overhead shuttle window...The Hubble Space Telescope is pictured in Space Shuttle Endeavour's cargo bay following its capture and berthing early in the...The Hubble Space Telescope is intergrated into the STS-31 Orbiter Discovery cargo bay at KSC before launch.The Hubble Space Telescope begins its separation from the Space Shuttle Endeavour following a week and a half berthed in...The Hubble Space Telescope returns to orbit as an improved telescope after its second servicing mission in February 1997.In the Space Shuttle Discovery's cargo bay, the Hubble Space Telescope is backdropped against Earth's limb and atmosphere following its...Moments after the release of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) by Discovery's Remote Manipulator System (RMS) at the conclusion of...The Sun reflects off the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) as it is held above the Space Shuttle Discovery's cargo bay...Backdropped by the horizon of Earth and the blackness of space, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) floats gracefully after the...Astronauts Steven L. Smith and John M. Grunsfeld, appear as small figures in this wide-angle photograph taken during an extravehicular...This photograph shows the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) being assembled in the clean room of the Lockheed Missile Space Company....This photo shows the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) being transferred from the Vertical Assembly Test Area (VATA) to the High...The Hubble Space Telescope, sporting new rigid solar arrays and other new hardware, separates from the Space Shuttle Columbia. The...The Hubble Space Telescope is backdropped against the black of space as the Space Shuttle Columbia, with a crew of...The Hubble Space Telescope is visible against the black of space, primarily because its bright metallic disk-shaped base and the...The Hubble Space Telescope (HST), backdropped against Earth's limb while in the grasp of the Space Shuttle Columbia's robotic arm,...The Hubble Space Telescope is seen in the cargo bay of the Space Shuttle Columbia during STS-109 in 2002. Each...This photograph shows the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) being assembled in the clean room of the Lockheed Missile and Space...The first close-up look at the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) since 1993 was provided by an STS-82 electronic still camera...The Hubble Space Telescope, sporting new rigid solar arrays and other new hardware, begins its separation from the Space Shuttle...The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) transitions back to its normal observing routine after a week of servicing and upgrading by...This is the first of a series of four images recorded from close range as the astronauts aboard the Space...This wide-angle shot of the Hubble Space Telescope in the Space Shuttle Discovery’s cargo bay, backdropped against Australia, was taken...Looking westward, one of the STS-109 crew members photographed the newly serviced and upgraded Hubble Space Telescope (HST) as it...An STS-125 crew member captured this view of the Hubble Space Telescope as Space Shuttle Atlantis approached it on May...An STS-125 crew member aboard Space Shuttle Atlantis snapped a still photo of the Hubble Space Telescope following grapple of...The Space Shuttle Atlantis' Remote Manipulator System robotic arm lifts the Hubble Space Telescope from the cargo bay and is...Ready for transportation to the Kennedy Space Center, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is pictured onboard the strongback dolly at...A STS-125 crew member aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis captured this still image of the Hubble Space Telescope as the...