PlutoPhotos of Pluto and its moonsPopular TagsHubble Space TelescopeJames Webb Space Telescope - MISCJames Webb Space Telescope - PeopleJames Webb Space Telescope – Engineering imagesJames Webb Space TelescopeEarth Observatory Image of the DayEarth ObserverJames Webb Space Telescope - OutreachJames Webb Space Telescope - Science imagesPluto nearly fills the frame in this image from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft. The image was taken on July 13,...NASA's New Horizons captured this high-resolution enhanced color view of Charon just before the spacecraft made its closest approach to...This is the most detailed view to date of the entire surface of the dwarf planet Pluto, as constructed from...Artist's concept of Pluto systemThis image of haze layers above Pluto limb was taken by NASA New Horizons spacecraft. About 20 haze layers are...In June 2014, Hubble discovered Ultima Thule, the farthest object in our solar system ever explored up close by a...One of the strangest landforms spotted by NASA New Horizons spacecraft when it flew past Pluto last July was the...In addition to transmitting new high-resolution images and other data on the familiar close-approach hemispheres of Pluto and Charon, NASA's...In September, NASA's New Horizons team released a stunning but incomplete image of Pluto's crescent. Thanks to new processing work...This new, detailed global mosaic color map of Pluto is based on a series of three color filter images obtained...NASA New Horizons scientists believe that the informally named feature Wright Mons, located south of Sputnik Planum on Pluto, and...This synthetic perspective view of Pluto, based on the latest high-resolution images to be downlinked from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft,...This image of Pluto was taken by New Horizons' Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) at 4:18 UT on July 9,...Two different versions of an image of Pluto's haze layers, taken by New Horizons as it looked back at Pluto's...Hubble discovered Pluto’s four small moons, Nix, Hydra, Styx, and Kerberos. This is a composite of two images of the...This set of computer modeling illustrations of Pluto’s moon Nix shows how the orientation of the moon changes unpredictably as...